Honesty • Outstanding Service •  Fair Pricing

Better hearing and a better quality of life can be yours for many years with the help of the right hearing professional.

At Indian River Hearing Center, we pride ourselves on developing long-term relationships with our clients. Relationships based on unsurpassed personal service that begins the first time you walk through our doors and continues long after your initial appointment.

Meet the Hearing Aid Specialist

Kevin M. McCurdy, H.A.S., BC-HIS

Kevin M. McCurdy, H.A.S., BC-HIS

Hearing Aid Specialist, Owner
Board Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences

Kevin McCurdy, the owner and Licensed Hearing Aid Specialist, has over fifteen years of experience helping people improve the quality of their lives through better hearing. He is Nationally Board Certified in Hearing Instrument Sciences (BC-HIS) and is a member of the International Hearing Society.

Originally from Massachusetts, Kevin moved to Las Vegas, NV, in 2005, where he first entered the Hearing industry, working at a third-generation family-owned business. From there, he moved to Colorado to work at a practice specializing in hearing loss and tinnitus relief. In 2017, Kevin moved to Stuart, Florida, where he currently resides, but he will be moving to Vero Beach in August of this year. In his spare time he enjoys watching and playing sports, and being outdoors in the Florida sun.

International Hearing Society logo

2023 – 10 year member recognition

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