The Truth About Cheap “Hearing Aids”

Unhappy and disappointed customer giving low rating.

The term “cheap” carries dual meanings. For anyone on a tight budget, it means “affordability”. But we’ve all heard the saying “You get what you pay for”, and in this example, the term “cheap” implies low-quality hearing aids.

Regrettably, differentiating between a thrifty purchase and an item of minimal value is frequently challenging. When it comes to hearing aids, this couldn’t be more true.

With hearing aids, the axiom “you get what you pay for” is particularly valid. This doesn’t necessarily mean picking the top-tier option, but rather, looking closely at offerings that boast a price tag too appealing to be genuine. Companies marketing cheap hearing devices frequently omit important details about their products that consumers should be aware of.

Cheaper hearing aids are basically only amplifiers

Boosting the overall volume is usually the only thing cheap “hearing aids” can handle. When you merely amplify everything, the sounds you want to hear better are amplified but so are unwanted background noise you don’t want.

The purpose of having a hearing aid is completely defeated if it also amplifies unwanted sound.

A modern state-of-the-art hearing aid, in contrast, does a lot more than just turn the volume up. It expertly manages sound, maximizing the clarity of desired sounds while reducing background sound. Real hearing aids simulate natural hearing with great accuracy and are custom programmed to your specific hearing needs.

PSAPs vs. Hearing Aids

The Food and Drug Administration has written guidelines for companies who sell hearing devices and have strict rules as to what can be labeled hearing aids.

Unfortunately, many personal sound amplification products PSAPs are inaccurately sold as hearing aids even though they only amplify sound.

There are many legitimate and reputable companies that comply with proper marketing. But you might find some uninformed salespeople or products on Amazon or eBay that mislead consumers into believing that these devices meet the classification of a hearing aid. You might even find some that state that they are FDA-approved when that’s actually not true.

They aren’t inclusive for the majority of kinds of hearing loss

The slow loss of hearing frequently involves trouble hearing specific frequencies rather than an abrupt complete loss. For instance, you may have no problems hearing a man with a low voice, but struggle with a woman’s or child’s voice, finding it difficult to comprehend.

You get overall amplification with cheap hearing aids. But simply cranking up the total volume will not be sufficient for people who have a difficult time hearing particular frequencies. And turning the overall volume up could lead to additional damage to your hearing because the frequencies you don’t struggle with will be roaring in your ears.

High-quality hearing aids provide a solution by being programmable to make up for the loss of specific frequencies. They offer a more personalized hearing experience by shifting frequencies you can’t hear very well to frequencies you hear better.

You might get a lot of feedback

You won’t get a custom fit with cheap hearing aids. Without that custom fit, you’ll create a feedback loop. As the speaker in your ear jiggles around, the microphone picks up the sound. What does this sound like? An ear-shattering screech.

They normally won’t help you on your cellphone

When people are looking for a budget-friendly device, they often sacrifice functionality like Bluetooth connectivity. The absence of Bluetooth becomes crucial when considering phone connectivity. With cheaper hearing devices, when you try to amplify phone calls, your device will amplify every little sound, like your ears or lips brushing on the phone, or clothing and hair.

More advanced hearing aids are digital and use Bluetooth connectivity to connect directly to your phone. This state-of-the-art feature ensures that when your daughter talks on the other end, her voice is transmitted directly into your hearing aids, enhancing clarity and overall communication.

They were never meant to treat hearing loss

This could come as a shock because so many individuals think otherwise. These amplifiers were never intended to treat hearing loss. They were designed to amplify sound for people who have fairly good hearing.

If you have very mild hearing loss then cheap devices may help a little. But they won’t be of much use for people who actually need hearing aids.

Finding quality, affordable hearing aids

Obtaining affordable quality hearing aids is not hard. Insurance or other third parties may cover them. There are also affordable brands, leasing programs, and financing possibilities. The first step is to get a hearing assessment if you suspect you may have hearing loss. Call us today for a consultation, we can help decide what’s best for you, depending on your level and type of hearing loss, and make certain you land a pair that won’t break the bank!


The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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