4 Reasons to Have Your Hearing Tested Regularly

An audiologists Otoscope placed on an Audiogram following a hearing test

Why is it important to get your hearing screened regularly? That’s because your overall health can be substantially affected by hearing loss. Having your hearing examined regularly can help you identify hearing loss early, get care faster, and, improve your health, well-being, and quality of life.

Who should get a hearing test?

Your health and well-being can be seriously impacted by untreated hearing loss. Social isolation, for example, can be a consequence of neglected hearing loss. Even while undertaking tasks like going to the store, people with hearing loss will tend to avoid reaching out to family and friends because they have a hard time making out conversations. This sort of social isolation can be harmful to your mental health and, possibly somewhat surprisingly, your physical wellness.

Other health issues can be the result of neglected hearing loss also. For example, neglected hearing loss has been linked to many chronic conditions, including cognitive decline and depression. Comorbidities, like high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart disease have also been linked to hearing loss.

So scheduling a routine hearing exam will be a good plan for pretty much everybody.

You should get your hearing tested for these four reasons

Getting your hearing examined can be helpful to your general health for four specific reasons.

1. Setting a baseline for your hearing is important

Why would you want to get your hearing tested if it seems healthy? Well, getting a hearing exam early is a good plan for several reasons. The most important is that a hearing test will give us an accurate picture of your current hearing health. If your hearing changes in the future, this will make it simpler to detect. Early symptoms of hearing loss usually go unnoticed because hearing loss often develops slowly over time.

Before you notice any symptoms, a hearing test will help identify hearing loss in its early stages.

2. Diagnose and treat problems earlier

Hearing loss typically progresses gradually over time. You’ll have a better prognosis, as a result, if you catch your hearing loss early. If you treat the condition as early as possible, you will have more positive outcomes.

When you get treatment early it will mean doing things like using hearing protection or potentially wearing hearing aids. Treatment can help you avoid many of the related problems listed above, such as dementia, depression, and social isolation.

3. It’s easier to evaluate future changes

Even if you are diagnosed with hearing loss, that doesn’t mean your hearing won’t continue to get worse as you get older. Regular hearing tests can enable early detection and your treatment plan can be adjusted as needed.

4. You can avoid further damage to your ears

Hearing loss that progresses gradually over time is normally caused by damage. Visiting us regularly to get your hearing checked helps you identify that damage as early as possible, and it also gives you access to a significant resource: your hearing specialist. We can provide you with information, treatments, and best practices that can help keep your ears as healthy as possible.

For example, we can help you determine ways to protect your ears from day-to-day damage or develop strategies designed to help you keep sounds around you quieter.

How often should I get my hearing examined?

On the earlier side, adults should wait no longer than their early twenties to begin routine hearing tests. Unless we recommend more frequent visits or if you detect any hearing problems, at least every ten years will be the advised interval for hearing assessments.

What should I expect my hearing test to be like? In general, they’re totally non-invasive procedures. Usually, you simply listen for some tones in a special pair of headphones.

Whether you need some hearing protection or a new pair of hearing aids, we will be able to help you with the best hearing care. And we can help you determine what your hearing exam schedule should be.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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